Contributing to THESP
Thank you for your interest in contributing to THESP! There are many ways you can help support The Project.
The simplest way is to tell your friends and contacts about THESP, and pass the website address on to them.
The web address for THESP is
A great way to help spread the word is to add the THESP banner-link to your website and encourage others to do likewise.
Here’s the banner in a 200 pixel wide format which will work with many website margins and pages. Right Click on it and “Save As” to save the banner to your computer. Add the web address above to link to THESP from your website.
If you would like to use a larger size, here is a link to an 800 pixel size version – Image Link
Get involved personally with a campaign or campaigns.
It may be that you are an alumnus of a school which has a campaign going. Or a member of a club participating in The Project. Or a community member living close to a Starship location.
You can contribute your effort online to bring awareness about THESP through your Website, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In and other social media. And by appealing online to those in positions who may be able to support and / or sponsor THESP.
You might be employed by or have contacts at large organizations or corporations who could mutually benefit by supporting THESP. Starships can be a great showcase for new technologies, and sponsor plaques in Starships will be highly visible and seen by a wide demographic for years to come.
You might offer assistance with Starship assembly, or as an astronomer, offer to help out with community outreach nights, or in tutoring students or club members.
There are many ways you can contribute. Use your imagination!
Contributing Monetarily
Personal Contributions
Monetary contributions to THESP are greatly appreciated! You can decide how much and to which campaign or campaigns you contribute. Just click on campaigns to learn more about each, their rewards, and which suits you best. When you contribute you will be helping propel public science education and space exploration forward. All contributions are welcome!
Corporate / Organization Contributions, Sponsorship
THESP is a great way for corporate sponsors to show support for education to a
wide demographic. Help educate and excite the next generation of high tech workers and young scientists, with hands-on exploration experience in a Starship.
Starships are the bridge between “watching” and “doing”. They create a fantastic opportunity for grass-roots education and support for space/tech related companies. The best way to get people excited about space exploration and travel is to have them personally engaged on the ground.
As a corporate sponsor you can decide whether to sponsor one Starship campaign or many.
You may also have new technology you’d like to showcase. Starships are perfect for that.
Your Logo can be displayed on a plaque in a Starship or Starships for high visibility of your support.
If you’re a corporation or organization and would like to contribute, the simplest way is to add the THESP “Get On Board!” banner to your website and in your promotions.
To talk to us about how you can support THESP – Contact Us at Ph. 877-378-6286, our team members will immediately receive your voice message wherever they are and we will reply ASAP.
Email US and we can talk about how you can contribute.
Thank You!
Visit the POD MAX Website to learn more about the observatory system being utilized to create the Starship Fleet.